If there is one thing in this world that will never get old to me, it's strong business women partnering together to make something fun and wonderful for everyone. I recently was given the opportunity ... READ the POST

If there is one thing in this world that will never get old to me, it's strong business women partnering together to make something fun and wonderful for everyone. I recently was given the opportunity ... READ the POST
Halloween is approaching once again and as every other parent I've encountered over the past couple weeks, we're all thinking about costumes for this year's Halloween parties or trick-or-treating. I ... READ the POST
This is kind of a funny post for me. It's not necessarily a happily ever after post, but more of a learn-as-you-grow ever after post. Ever since I started my blogging journey I have built such an ... READ the POST
Who wears white after Labor Day? I definitely don't stay binded by fashion law that at some point considered wearing white after Labor Day was a faux pas. The closing summer weeks means end of summer ... READ the POST
Follow my blog with BloglovinI have always been a huge lover of all things citrus. My dad is the same way. Give us anything lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, I will eat it, drink it, whatever, it's all ... READ the POST
I really don't like to think of the pandemic in terms of silver linings. There is so much tragedy and sadness associated with 2020-2021 that I have a guilty feeling when I think of positive things ... READ the POST