What's my favorite thing about the last three months of the year? ALL the parties! October, November, and December are consistent opportunities :::cough cough excuses cough cough::: to throw whatever ... READ the POST

What's my favorite thing about the last three months of the year? ALL the parties! October, November, and December are consistent opportunities :::cough cough excuses cough cough::: to throw whatever ... READ the POST
If there is one thing most people would say comes to mind when they think of the south, it's rocking on the front porch with a tall glass of lemonade or sweet tea. Now that we are in our first home, ... READ the POST
Do you remember what it was like being a kid? Special memories that come to mind are playing in friends' backyards until the streetlights came on, or until we heard mom yelling our names down the ... READ the POST
February is definitely in my top 5 of favorite months of the year, probably due to the fact that pink is socially acceptable in all forms and you see it everywhere you go, and also because everyone ... READ the POST
First, make sure you have the right health insurance.If you don't have health insurance I would have to imagine your hospital bills may be even worse. If that's not the case than joke's one me x 10 ... READ the POST
This visit to Christmas Town Busch Gardens Williamsburg was a hosted visit by Busch Gardens. All thoughts and opinions I write are my very own.Do you have a favorite season? I know many people would ... READ the POST