5 Flowers To Plant In The Fall



A homegrower myself, I can't wait to see my fall blooms come to life!

– Marigolds

Marigolds are a favorite, no-fuss annual that can bring the color of sunshine to your garden, as well as butterflies, bees, ladybugs, and other beneficial insects. Give them full sun and some well-draining soil and watch them bloom from late spring until fall.

– Snapdragons

Bright snapdragon flowers bloom profusely throughout cool weather in intensely saturated colors (almost every hue) and are real standouts in either the spring or fall garden. The flowers start blooming at the bottom of the stalk and work their way up, making for a long period of bloom.


Larkspurs are extremely unfussy plants and grow easily from seed. In southern climates, you can sow seeds directly in the ground in the fall. As soon as the weather begin to warm up in early spring, they will happily sprout and begin their show. Because they are cool-season annuals, the plants will begin to brown and die in the humid summers of the South.

– Primula

It is used as a potted plant, in rock gardens, in borders, and as specimen plants. Flowers are either 'pin-eyes', with long styles and short anthers or 'thrum-eyes', with long anthers and short styles. This plant is intolerant of full sun, dry weather, and extreme cold. This plant prefers cool, shaded, moist soil with abundant organic matter.

– Cineraria

Known for a wide range of colors and long-lasting blooms, Cineraria comes in vibrant shades of pink, red, purple, blue, and many bi-colors. It is a mound-forming plant with large leaves that becomes covered with blossoms during its blooming season.

What Fall Florals are you planting?

The Author: Nicki Odom

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