I get the girls down for their naps, I draw the curtains, and pull my cooling weighted blanket up to my chin to get the deepest relaxation I can.
Putting it out in the world somehow makes my heart feel lighter.
Mental and emotional stress can carry just as heavily as physical stress at times, so we need to find outlets for relaxation against all of those.
I make sure I have my favorite beverage and all my utensils I need to get the jobs done and nestle in for a long work session.
This can be such a hard task, especially when your work is on computers and social media, but I have been doing this for quite some time now and it makes such a huge difference in the type of sleep I get.
Try to take at least 5 minutes a day, usually in the morning before I start my day, to get in some breathing exercises.
Dealing with your tension and getting the best rest possible is not only good for your health, but helps your family too. I know I am a much better mom, wife, friend, and daughter when I have cared for myself.
- Nicki Odom