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Elf on the Shelf Ideas

By Nicki Odom /

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Nicki Odom


A DIY Home and Party Blogger, Nicki loves sharing fun ideas for creating fun holiday moments and brightening up the home!

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It's Time

To Prepare For the Elves Arrival!

How To Prepare:

- Have A List of activities - Organize the activities by day in folders. - Grab some of the Elf activities at your Dollar General store. - Don't be stressed! It's just about the magic,.

Idea #1

Elves arrive with a note and float in via balloon. 

Elf Arrival

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Having the Elves out of reach on the first day allows us to remind our litltle ones about the magic, and how we don't touch!

Idea #2

The Elves find really great spots that takes the kiddos a good amount of time in the morning to find them! 

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Send Them On A Hunt

Idea #3

Local dollar stores carry a few different Elf stores you can use. Our Elves have a toy shop where they bring our girls a small toy before Christmas!

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Create A Shop

Idea #4

Pick up some small bakery items and setup the Elves with some yummy breakfast baked goods.

Elf Bakery

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Store bought or home made


I think this was my daughters' favorite morning surprise to wake up to!

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North Pole Treats

They will love picking out their treats brought from the North Pole!

Idea #5

The wilder and sillier their locations each morning the better. Especially for 6 years old and under!  Dangling from the dining room chandelier brought smiles this holiday morning.

Wild & Silly

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Whatever you decide to do, you help create the magic with excitement around looking for the elves each morning! 

You got this! Merry Christmas!

About Nicki

Nicki has been blogging for 3 years, lives in NC, mother of two girls under 4, and loves creating magic and new things from nothing!

Nicki Odom

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